Wanneer wolken breken: Kwetsbaarheid van zeekabels en cloudverbindingen

In recent weeks, reports have surfaced about damaged submarine cables and disrupted cloud connections. Just as mobile telephony relies primarily on underground cables, the…

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Accountability in AI

In an earlier blog, "AI: The All-Encompassing Promise of the Future?", I expressed skepticism about the outcomes offered by the new wave of AI tools. Thanks to advanced language…

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Cloud lock-in wordt ‘Chefsache’

“Cost explosions around cloud computing become a C-suite issue,” read the headline of an article in Computable. The rising costs of cloud services are causing significant concern…

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Cyberresilience: kunnen blijven functioneren!

Last week, DigiCorp Labs announced in a press release that it has been certified by Hitachi Vantara as an Independent Software Vendor (ISV). DigiCorp’s innovative blockchain and…

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Vertrouwelijk een dossier delen

Confidentially sharing a file. It sounds easier than it is. Confidentiality means ensuring the privacy rights of everyone with access to that file are continually safeguarded.…

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Kennis en innovatie (of hoe laat ik kasplantjes groeien)

Europe struggles with innovation. In a market-dominated country like the US, with many venture capitalists, this happens much more easily. In a centrally-led country, an industry…

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Decentralisatie: Ingebouwde veiligheid by design 

Getting rich by robbing a bank is more likely than a lifetime of pickpocketing. For the thief, the return on investment is much higher in the first case. The same goes for…

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Bibliotheek of archief? Of beide? 

Source archiving blurs the distinction between a library and an archive. The terms "digital library" and "digital archive" refer to two concepts in the field of digital…

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AI, de alles omvattende toekomstbelofte?

AI: The All-Encompassing Future Promise? It’s hard to read an article these days without encountering the transformative power of AI. Challenges and problems seem to vanish with…

0 Comments18 Minutes

Bronarchiveren is duurzaam

Source Archiving is Sustainable. Do you discard an information product after use, or do you preserve it? If you decide to save it, do you store the entire product or only…

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