Onze overheid als digitaal doolhof

In recent years, Arre Zuurmond served as our government’s commissioner for information management. He is now documenting his findings from that period. He notes that the root…

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Over dark cockpits en zero trust

The concept of Blockchain-enabled Zero Trust Cybersecurity is emerging: not only zero-trust but also continuous process control and registration of the zero-trust system itself.…

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Mastering your golden records

The world, on the one hand, lacks sufficient physical storage capabilities to capture all the digital data we produce nowadays. On the other hand, we still need to make and keep…

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Addressing dataphobia is crucial for modern organizations striving to leverage data-driven decision-making. As literacy transformed societies in the past, we now need…

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Tao, data en de tuinarchitect

Garden architecture is infused with Taoism. It ultimately achieves the desired form and arrangement in harmony with the growing and expanding nature. It involves lovingly guiding,…

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Soevereine clouds als veilige havens

Sovereign cloud and trust centers represent the evolution of the internet towards Web3, focusing on intrinsic security and avoiding middlemen. Guaranteed by national governments,…

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Archiveren en het data-continuüm

The continuum model offers a holistic and integrated approach to digital archiving, emphasizing the importance of secure, permanent recording close to the source. This method…

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Democratie staat niet in de grondwet

The concept of democracy is not mentioned in our constitution. It only describes that we are a constitutional parliamentary monarchy. The king transfers his legislative power to a…

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Archiveren: het oudste beroep van de overheid?

Thorbecke 2.0 The constitution of 1848 laid the foundation for the information organization of our national government. Paper files were stored per department and spread across…

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Taalbeheersing en AI

Human creativity and genius are expressed through speaking, writing, or artistic skills. These are communication methods that allow humans to influence and change the world around…

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