Archiveren en het data-continuüm

The continuum model offers a holistic and integrated…

Democratie staat niet in de grondwet

The concept of democracy is not mentioned in our…

Archiveren: het oudste beroep van de overheid?

Thorbecke 2.0 The constitution of 1848 laid the foundation…

Taalbeheersing en AI

Human creativity and genius are expressed through speaking,…

Informatie-ongelijkheid en de komst van ArQiver

The information balance between governments/organizations…

Archiveren: een hoogwaardige sexy sport?

Archiving billions of messages and data and preserving the…

Data bij de bron. Maar welke?

The 'Data at the Source' program that our government has…

Verovert Nvidia met AI-fabrieken de wereld? 

Nvidia's development seems unstoppable, and as a leading…

Multi-Party Computation

Cryptography revolves around sending messages that only the…

De Data Gravity Index

In a previous blog, I talked about the 'weight of data'.…