Wanneer wolken breken: Kwetsbaarheid van zeekabels en cloudverbindingen

In recent weeks, reports have surfaced about damaged…

Accountability in AI

In an earlier blog, "AI: The All-Encompassing Promise of…

Cloud lock-in wordt ‘Chefsache’

“Cost explosions around cloud computing become a C-suite…

Cyberresilience: kunnen blijven functioneren!

Last week, DigiCorp Labs announced in a press release that…

Vertrouwelijk een dossier delen

Confidentially sharing a file. It sounds easier than it is.…

Kennis en innovatie (of hoe laat ik kasplantjes groeien)

Europe struggles with innovation. In a market-dominated…

Decentralisatie: Ingebouwde veiligheid by design 

Getting rich by robbing a bank is more likely than a…

Bibliotheek of archief? Of beide? 

Source archiving blurs the distinction between a library…

AI, de alles omvattende toekomstbelofte?

AI: The All-Encompassing Future Promise? It’s hard to read…

Bronarchiveren is duurzaam

Source Archiving is Sustainable. Do you discard an…