Dataviews: data delen vanuit duale inzichten

In a world where data is becoming increasingly valuable, we…

Notarisatie en legalisatie van data en documenten

Notarization is the process of verifying the facts stated…

Wat brengt 2025 . . .

In my first blog in 2010, I wrote about "the new normal"…

Cloud lock-in wordt ‘Chefsache’

“Cost explosions around cloud computing become a C-suite…

Vertrouwelijk een dossier delen

Confidentially sharing a file. It sounds easier than it is.…

Decentralisatie: Ingebouwde veiligheid by design 

Getting rich by robbing a bank is more likely than a…

Mastering your golden records

The world, on the one hand, lacks sufficient physical…


Addressing dataphobia is crucial for modern organizations…

Tao, data en de tuinarchitect

Garden architecture is infused with Taoism. It ultimately…

Archiveren en het data-continuüm

The continuum model offers a holistic and integrated…